Ratcity's Shelter
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Pancho was a somewhat quiet and cuddly pretty boy, with his cute looks and his soft fur, at least towards me he was. He did get under the skin of his cage mates now and then, and he was especially good at irritating and provoking Dylan. Pancho could also be a bully, and he would steal a treat right out of another rat's paws without scruples. When on unknown territory, Pancho wasn't such a tough guy after all, especially when he was without one of his pals.

Pancho lived in a cage in my livingroom, together with his brother Lefty, their friends the brothers Chester & Casey, Chester & Casey's younger cousin Dylan, and later their new friends the brothers Uisce & Ulixes.

Pancho's profile

Full name: Pancho (from Ratcity's Shelter)
Nicknames: Pannetje, Panchito, Pancho Gasius, Panter
Species: Brown rat (rattus norvegicus)
Date of birth: October 25, 2006
Date of death: December 9, 2008
Age: 2 years, 1 month, 14 days (≈ 63 human years)
Sex: Male ♂
Colour: Black
Markings: Capped
Eyes: Black
Ears: Standard
Coat: Standard
Weight: ±770 grams

Tales about Pancho

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